Saturday, October 27, 2007

Early thanksgivings

Today I was riding in the car with Len, and I had one of those moments where you just are overwhelmed with how good God is. The trees are completely beautiful - even tho it's not sunny outside, it's a gorgeous fall day. I have a wonderful family that I really enjoy being with, all of my finacial needs are met, I have the most amazing husband ever (he really deserves an aside so I can tell you how great he is! He bought me flowers and took me out to the Burgandy room last night, because he knew I had had a rough week. He lets me hang out with all my sisters a lot, and even comes with me! Thursday night it was me and julie and heidi and marcia and Len,all having dinner! And he cleaned my kitchen this morning. Really cleaned it, as in lifted up the top of the stove, which I did not even know you could do- and cleaned! He's the best.), and eternal life with Jesus. And then I got to thinking about how without Jesus I might not even be thankful for all of that. It would be so easy to dwell on my headache, and how stressful going back to the bank has been, etc. SO then I was thankful that Jesus has helped me be thankful!
So yes, I am back at the bank, but just 2 days a week, friday night and Saturday morning. I think it will be much better that full time. I am still going to keep my cleaning jobs, which right now are all on thursday and friday morning. So I will have mon, tues and weds to keep house and sanity! I went in weds for some training, as so much has changed since I left. Mainly it's getting used to the new computer system.
Our other news is that Len is going to school this winter! We are probably completely insane as he has signed up for 14 hours of classes, and will still try to work as much as he can! I probably will never see him, but we really want to do this, and winer's the best time to take lots of classes. So we'll see how it goes at least!
My brother's soccer team is doing fabulously in tournaments - they've won two more games than they were expected to, so Len and I are at my parents for the second weekend in a row to watch him play! It's great fun, but I always get so nervous for him! Probably afterwards we will go to bedubs and watch osu. GO BUCKS!!!


Anonymous said...

I hope your time at the bank gets better and way to go to Lenny for jumping into school. That's awesome! It was good to see you guys again!

Anonymous said...

LOL at bedubs... and you're so right, good post. Glad things are working out and hope that you DO get to see each other as much as possible...! desperate times call for desperate measures =) oh, and Lenny sounds soooo much like David with his cleaning skills. how funny.