Friday, December 26, 2008

ben update

well, i thought that i would let you all in on what's going on with ben as of today. today was a fairly eventful day for ben. he had an x-ray taken, a couple of labs, and he had a drainage tube pulled out of his chest. he was awake for a couple of hours this afternoon because of it all, but he is sleeping peacefully now. he's doing great. he's getting 6 ml's of breast milk an hour now, so we are excited about that. he's getting it through a tube that goes through his nose and into his intestine. that is one prayer request. he has a tendency to grab things, and his feeding tube needs to stay in his nose. pray that he doesn't pull it out. the second area is concerning his esophogram. an esophogram is when they check his esophagus to make sure that there aren't any leaks. they will do that this coming wednesday. if his esophagus does not leak, then we can start bottle feeding him, and we can hopefully get him out of here before too long. so pray that his esophagus heals quickly and that he be able to ingest and swallow his food and all the mucous that is in his mouth. with God's help we will make it through this, it's just going to take some patience and prayer to make it through. thanks to everyone of you for your prayers, and for supporting us through this rough time.


Anonymous said...

Hi Len & Tina. It's incredible to read your blog and realize you guys are really parents! Wow, awesome! Our prayers are with you as you walk through this hard time. Gives you a new insight on God's heart toward His Son as He watched Him suffer . . . and His unfathomable love for us, no?! We'll miss you at the Smoker Dinner tomorrow, but please know we love you and are praying for you!

Lisa (Nafziger)

Anonymous said...

oh man, I'm so sad that we didn't know about this before now! I kept thinking you might have had him by now, but I didn't think of checking here since you hadn't written in forever. congratulations on being parents!!! our hearts ache for you as you have to deal with this, and our prayers are for strength and grace for you and quick healing for little Ben! may you all get to go home together SOON!!! we look forward to meeting him! =)